アーミッシュが手作りした石鹸。おかげさまで、多くの方のもとにお届けしています。 作り手であるミラー夫妻の愛情がたっぷりと詰まった石鹸は、どんな使い心地なのでしょうか? 実際に石鹸を使ってくれたお客様からの声を紹介します。頂いたメッセージは、すべて作り手のミラー夫婦にお届けします。そのため、日本語の下に英訳も付けて紹介しています。
All my family members have became big fans of the soap.
I gave it to my friend who doesn’t artificial fragrance. And she fell in love with it.
無添加の手作りの石鹸なので、ちょっとしたプレゼントや誕生日のプレゼントにもぴったりだと思います。 まだ渡せていないんですが、気にいってくれるといいなと思います。
アーミッシュの石鹸づくりのご夫妻の思いや、手作り石鹸に惹かれ購入しました。 自分用に求めたのはまだもったいなくて使ってないんですが、時々香りを嗅いで癒やされています。
I bought the lemongrass only this time as a gift. It’s simple and gentle.
It’s the best choice for present since it’s without any chemicals.
I hope the one who it going to receive it will like it.
I was touched by Miller’s story and their faith. Actually, I bought it for myself and I keep it close to me all the time so I can enjoy the fragrance whenever I want.
香りすごくいいですよね。押し入れに入れたりとかポプリとしても使えそうです。The fragrance is remarkable. I am thinking I can enjoy it not only as a soap but also as a pot-pourri. Especially the lemongrass.
気持ちにも時間にも余裕が無くて誕プレもクリプレも買ってなかったし2018年は出張も多く準備やら家の事やら任せっきりやったので、嫁にプレゼントをと思っていた所にFacebookで知って購入しました。非常に喜んでくれました^_^思えばガジェット系以外のプレゼントをしたのは初めてかもwI got it as a gift for my wife. I was super busy and I haven’t given a birthday present nor a Christmas present this year. Besides, I often had business trip in 2018. It means...she has been spending much time for helping me preparation. And she had to handle everything at home by herself. That’s why I was looking for something special tfor her. AndI found these soaps through Facebook (the shop owner is my old colleague) and gave it to my wife. She really loved it. I always gave her the “mechanical devices” such as PC or a vacuum cleaner so it might be for the first time I gave her non- mechanical thing.
石鹸がとても素敵な柔らかな香りで使うのがもったいなくて、しばらく飾って楽しみたいです(^^)The aroma is really gentle and subtle. And it looks so beautiful so that I don’t want to use it out. So I will enjoy just watching it for fun for a while:)
展示会で購入しようと思っていたら、すでに品切れだったアーミッシュのゴートミルク(山羊のミルク)の石鹸…。在庫が残っていた ということで販売していただき感謝に耐えません。 展示会でおっしゃっていたように、匂いを嗅いでみると、ゴートミルクという名前のような牛乳の匂いはあまりなくて、バニラに近いというのもわかる気がしました。とても、落ち着く香りです。
I visited the exhibition in Osaka, Japan but the goat milk soaps are all sold out. I love David’s soaps very much so I wanted to try the new line goat milk. After the exhibition she(Maha) told me there is a more stock so I was able to get it. It is grateful. As she mentioned about the scent of the goat milk. It is more like vanilla than milk. It makes me calm down and relaxed. Now all soaps are sold out which was really quick but I would like to purchase goat milk again and other soaps as well. I am really looking forward to it. Thank you very much.